A blog that focuses on

Pet Health and Wellness

We are glad you are here! Lifestyle Pets is essentially a dog blog that focuses on pet health and wellness.

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We care for pets

About What We Do

Although we tend to think highly of our canine friends, we also enjoy talking about animal care for lots of different types of pets. Speaking of, two of the most popular categories on our site are dog breeds and cat breeds.

We try to take the guesswork out of adopting a furry friend, by giving you the basic characteristics of each of the dog breeds and cat breeds we have listed. Can’t find the breed you are looking for? Check back soon, as we are just getting started with our pet directory.

Product Reviews

The Best Pet Fountains of 2019

The Best Pet Fountains of 2019

Are you concerned that your pets don’t have enough fresh water to drink? In particular, cats prefer running, filtered water. Rather than having a boring, stagnant water bowl, a water fountain can give your pets fresh clean water so that everything nasty can be filtered out.

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